Water, Water Everywhere...

Disclaimer: if you're a first time home buyer, do not read this!  Even those of us who LOVE homeownership, homebuying, homeselling, homes, homes, homes (!!) need to vent every now and then.  If you do chose to read, don't let it scare you.  Stuff happens.

Friday morning I woke up intending to throw in a load of laundry before getting started for the day.  I gathered up my hamper and baskets and headed downstairs, only to stop dead in my tracks.  I saw water.  And not just a little moisture like you'd expect in a 50 year old home when you've had this much rain.  Standing water.  I headed back upstairs, dropped my laundry and pulled on my boots and went to the basement to assess the damage.

Yes, that is the reflection of my overhead light on the rug.  How, you ask, does a rug reflect light so perfectly?  When it's covered in an inch of water, that's how.

I spent most of the rest of the day getting everything off the floor and trying to figure out why my floor drains weren't draining.  The water eventually went down on its own and we had a plumber out to find the clog.  Things are still damp, just because the air is so wet it's taking a long time to dry, but we no longer have a "water issue"...in the basement.

Fast forward to today, when I woke up to find this perfect little square of moisture on my bathroom ceiling.

Hubs and I are both nighttime showerers, so I knew it wasn't from shower humidity.  It didn't smell, so I knew it wasn't from the cats getting in the attic.  And in a great twist of iront, it's now raining, and the ceiling is dry.

My mom often says sometimes you have to laugh or you'll end up crying.  My solution?  From now on water is strictly prohibitted in our home.  It's coffee until 10am, then we switch to wine. 


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