Fall Home Prep

Fall is right around the corner and September has me dreaming of cooler weather and pumpkin carving. Whether you're a pumpkin spice or an apple cider, and whether you rent or own, there are things you can do around your home to increase safety, lower heating bills and ensure the coming cold weather doesn't create issues down the road.

Check for cracks in your driveway, sidewalks, porch and patio. Any cracks or lifting you see now will only get worse with freezing and thawing over the winter. Repair them before they become a trip hazard. Renters, don't think this doesn't apply to you. Your landlord may not see your home every day, so you take a look and report your findings in order to get things repaired.

This one may not apply to renters, but every homeowner knows the struggle to get your lawn looking green and lush in the Spring. Get a leg up by fertilizing now, and giving your grass a chance to grow strong roots before the freezing weather hits.

Smoke detector and cabon monoxide detector batteriess should be changed at least once a year. I'm horrible about remembering when I did it last, so I just do it at every season change so I don't forget!

Furnace filters should be changed monthly. Yes, renters, this one is for you, too! Landlords are not responsible for wearable items, so make sure to take responsibility for your own clean air. With the beautiful windows open weather we've been having, you've probably let your filter slip, but make sure to change it before you fire up your furnace for the first time this year. While you're at it, if you didn't have your furnace serviced last year, make sure it's done this year.

Check for and seal drafts. This one is easier to do once the weather cools off and you can feel drafts, but if it's not cold yet, you can get a leg up by holding a piece of tissue paper in front of doors and windows. If the tissue moves, that breeze has to be coming from somewhere. Seal that draft before you lose heat!

Outdoor faucets can freeze, resulting in burst pipes and expensive plumbing bills. Remove hoses and drain faucets before the first freeze hits.

Outdoor seating and decor won't be used and enjoyed in the cold months anyway, so bring it in to protect it from the elements. Items will last longer and you'll get more enjoyment out of them when you can put them back out in the Spring clean and ready to use!

Clean your gutters. Leaves and other debris cause water to back up. When it freezes, it can create an ice dam, which can force ice under your shingles. When it melts, you end up with a wet mess in your attic and the potential for mold. It doesn't seem like a fun task but if you do it regularly it's not that hard, and well worth the time investment.


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