Tip Tuesday: Spring Prep, Inside Edition

Can you believe Spring is just around the corner?  In Southeast Indiana you never really know when Spring weather will arrive, but the first day of Spring is March 19, just over 2 weeks away!

That means it's time to get your house ready for Spring and all that it brings.  This has the potential to be a LONG post, so I'm going to break it up into several editions.  Since its been so rainy, let's start inside the home and give it a little time to dry up before heading outside next week.

Foundation and basement
Look for signs of moisture coming into your basement.  With all the rain we've had, this should be a fairly easy task, but please do take it seriously.  After all, the foundation is literally your house's home!  Moisture can be high humidity, cracks and even standing water in older homes.  Cracks tend to start from the bottom up, so look there first for signs of moisture.  While some settling is normal, cracks that look dark usually get that look from moisture and definitely need to be addressed by a professional.

Once again looking for signs of moisture and critters.  Gray or black spots that look like stains can actually be mold, and the coming warm weather will just help it develop, so take a good look and make sure you have good ventilation in your attic.

Take a look at any plumbing you can see.  Check for leaks or sweaty pipes and make sure your connections are still tight.  Plumbing that is inside a cabinet (think under the kitchen sink) is easy to knock into, so it's a good idea to tighten couplings periodically, just to make sure you haven't inadvertently created a future issue.

Windows and screen doors
Do an interior inspection of your windows and doors.  We'll get to the exterior of them next week.  Check your windows for broken seals (moisture between the panes) and cracks.  Inspect your caulking and weather stripping to make sure it's in good condition.  This way you'll know you don't have any leaks that would cause water damage or allow your wonderfully cool air conditioning to escape.

HVAC service
It's never a bad idea to have your HVAC professionally serviced, but at the very least, change your filter, check your hose connections for leaks and make sure things are draining well.  You can also increase your unit's efficiency by keeping it clean, so drag your vacuum to the basement and spend a little time here.  You'll save yourself some money and a big headache in the long run.

Home Safety
Check your safety equipment!  Yes, I'll say it again when the time changes, but it should be a part of every season change maintenance list, so I have to mention it here too.  Change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.  Once you've got fresh batteries, test your detectors.  Check expiration dates on your fire extinguishers. 

And since you're checking dates, check the expiration dates on your First Aid kit supplies.  I know it's not home maintenance, but it's definitely worth a few minutes of your time and mine.  After all, I don't just sell houses, I make HOME a reality!


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