Tip Tuesday: Things To Do as Soon as You Close

When you buy a new home, you're excited to paint and move your stuff in, and who wouldn't be?  But there are a few things that, while not nearly as fun, are more important to the safety and security of your new home.

Change the locks
Yes, you just got the keys and they may even be newly cut.  But there's no way to know if the sellers forgot to get a key back from a friend or family member and you don't want strangers to have a key to your new home.  New locks aren't that expensive and are easy to install yourself, and the peace of mind is priceless.

Check windows and doors 
If you worked with me as your Realtor, you had a thorough inspection with a reputable inspector.  But it's possible something broke after the inspection.  Make sure your doors and windows are secure.  That means properly locked and not causing any unnecessary energy leaks.

Replace smoke detectors and batteries
When I bought my current home I found a lot of things the sellers had neglected in their efforts to vacate the home.  I get it, they were on a deadline.  But take it from me, it's not fun to be woken in the middle of your first night in a new home to a chirping smoke detector.  My guess would be it's even less fun for the smoke detector to not work and there to be an issue.

Plan an escape route
Speaking of there being an issue, my motto is hope for the best but plan for the worst.  It's easy to get flustered in an emergency and add to that a brand new environment and it's just better to be prepared.

Most importantly, take a minute to step back and enjoy home ownership.  Take a selfie in front of the new house, just make sure not to get your address in the pic if you're going to post it to social media.  Brag to your friends about your awesome new neighborhood.  Bask in the knowledge that you just made an investment in your future.  Congratulations on your new home!


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