October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and today is my birthday so I'm going to be a little self indulgent and share a personal story. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. That's a statistic most women are familiar with. What most do not know is that an irregular mammogram only comes with a 20% chance or cancer. In fact, only about 2% of irregular mammograms lead to a biopsy, because most can be addressed with an ultrasound to make sure it's a false positive, dense breast tissue or some other common anomoly. If you do the math (which you know I love to do), you realize that about 10% of mammograms come back irregular every year! But somehow the fear of an irregular mammogram can keep some women from getting tested. It's a shame, because once you know the statistics, you know that an irregular mammogram is nothing to be afraid of! No, I do not have breast cancer. And for that I am thankful. But like most women will at some point in their life, I d...